Kids Up Front conducts a fun and dynamic Drama program through the school term for school aged children across Sydney.
The classes aim to develop Children’s Confidence, Creativity and Communication Skills. Minimum age is 5 years old
We offer Junior, Intermediate and Senior classes. Our Junior classes are for children who have started school (minimum age 5 years) and usually go up to Year 2.
Our Intermediate and Senior classes are usually for children in Year 3+ and in some areas we take High School students too.
We offer one free trial class and then our classes are $26 per week (from Feb 2024) paid by the term.
We offer a sibling discount where more than one child from the same family is enrolled. This is a discount of $1 per child per week so $25 per class per child instead of $26 (in 2024)
Please note: parents do not sit in on the classes
Register for a Free Trial Class